- Gill G.P., Brown G.R., Wheeler N.C., Neale D.B. 2002. Single nucleotide polymorphisms at candidate gene loci for wood quality traits in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L). Plant, Animal and Microbe X. San Diego, CA. January 12 – January 16, 2002. Full Text.
- Krutovskii K.V., Troggio M., Brown G.R., Jermstad K.D., Gonzalez-Martinez S.C., Neale D.B. 2002. EST MARKERS AND COMPARATIVE MAPPING. Plant, Animal & Microbe Genomes X Conference, Workshop: Forest Tree Genome Mapping . Town & Country Convention Center San Diego, CA. January 12 – January 16, 2002.
- Krutovskii K.V., Troggio M., Brown G.R., Jermstad K.D., Gonzalez-Martinez S.C., Neale D.B. 2002. EST markers and comparative mapping. Forest Tree Genome Mapping Workshop In Plant & Animal Genome X, The International Conference on the Status of Plant Genome Research. San Diego, CA. January 12 – January 16, 2002. Full Text.
- Krutovskii K.V., Troggio M., Brown G.R., Jermstad K.D., Gonzalez-Martinez S.C., Neale D.B. 2002. Comparative mapping across different conifer genera: myth or reality? Douglas-fir – Loblolly pine case (Poster #564). In Plant and Animal Genome X, The International Conference on the Status of Plant and Animal Genome Research. San Diego, CA. January 12 – January 16, 2002. Full Text.
- Neale D.B., White T.L., Davis J.M., Martin T.A., Dean J.F., Covert S.F., Pratt L.F., Cordonnier-Pratt M.M. 2002. Allele discovery for genes controlling economic traits in loblolly pine. Plant, Animal and Microbe X. San Diego, CA. January 12 – January 16, 2002. Full Text.
- Troggio M., Brown G.R., Chagne D., Scotti I., Plomion C., Jansson G., Gonzalez-Martinez S.C., Krutovsky K.V., Menozzi P., Neale D.B. 2002. Comparative mapping in Norway spruce and Loblolly pine (Poster #552). In Plant and Animal Genome X, The International Conference on the Status of Plant and Animal Genome Research. San Diego, CA. January 12 – January 16, 2002. Full Text.
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