WPGP/WHISP Mapping QTL for Partial Resistance
QTL mapping can elucidate the number of genes controlling partial resistance, their location in the genome and the size of their individual effects. A large full-sib family (n>1000) was constructed from two trees that express partial resistance to WPBR. The progeny were planted at Happy Camp, CA, a location where WPBR infection has been well-studied. DNA will be used from parents and progeny to collect SNP marker data to construct a full genome map. Several hundred SNP markers are currently being developed for an array of pines, including sugar pine. QTLs for partial resistance will be mapped using a multiple-marker interval mapping technique utilizing marker segregation data, map distances and disease-phenotype scores.
Dean Davis and Annie Delfino-Mix collecting needle tissue from progeny of partial resistance QTL mapping population.