Genetic research on hypersensitive response in sugar pine and western white pine
Kinloch Jr. BB. 1992. Distribution and frequency of a gene for resistance to white pine blister rust in natural populations of sugar pine. Can. J. Bot. 70:1319-1323.
Kinloch Jr. BB. 2003. White pine blister rust in North America: past and prognosis. Phytopath 93:1044-1047.
Kinloch Jr. BB and Dupper GE. 2002. Genetic specificity in the white pine-blister rust pathosystem. Phytopath 92:2878-280.
Kinloch Jr. BB and Littlefield JL. 1977. White pine blister rust: hypersensitive resistance in sugar pine. Can. J. Bot. 55:1148- 1155.
Kinloch Jr. BB, Sniezko RA and Dupper GE. 2004. Virulence gene distribution and dynamics of the white pine blister rust pathogen in western North America. Phytopath. 94:751-758.
Kinloch Jr. BB, Sniezko RA, Barnes GD, and Greathouse TE. 1999. A major gene for resistance to white pine blister rust in western white pine from the Western Cascade Range. Phyotpath. 89:861-867.
Kinloch Jr. BB, Sniezko RA and Dupper GE. 2003. Origin and distribution of Cr2, a gene for resistance to white pine blister rust in natural populations of western white pine. Phytopath. 93:691-694.