- Chen J., Kallman T., Ma X., Gyllenstrand N., Zaina G., Morgante M., Bousquet J., Eckert A., Wegrzyn J., Neale D., Lagercrantz U., Lascoux M. (2012) Disentangling the Roles of History and Local Selection in Shaping Clinal Variation of Allele Frequencies and Gene Expression in Norway Spruce (Picea abies). Genetics. 191(3):865-881. Full Text.
- Eckert A.J., Shahi H.L., Datwyler S.B., Neale D. (2012) Spatially variable natural selection and the divergence between parapatric subspecies of lodgepole pine (pinus contorta, pinaceae). American Journal of Botany. 99(8):1323-1334. Full Text.
- Eckert A.J., Wegrzyn J.L., Cumbie W.P., Goldfarb B., Huber D.A., Tolstikoc V., Fiehn O., Neale D.B. (2012) Association genetics of the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda, Pinaceae) metabolome. New Phytologist. 193(4):890-902. Full Text.
- Lorenz W.W., Ayyampalayam S., Bordeaux J.M., Howe G.T., Jermstad K.D., Neale D.B., Rogers D.L., Dean J.F. (2012) Conifer DBMagic: a database housing multiple de novo transcriptome assemblies for 12 diverse conifer species. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 8(6):1477-1485. Full Text.
- Mosca E., Andrew A., Di Pierro E., Rocchini D., La Porta N., Belletti P., Neale D. (2012) The geographical and environmental determinants of genetic diversity for four alpine conifers of the European Alps. Molecular Ecology. 21(22):5530-5545. Full Text.
- Mosca E., Eckert A.J., Liechty J.D., Wegrzyn J.L., La Porta N., Vendramin G.G., Neale D.B. (2012) Contrasting patterns of nucleotide diversity for four conifers of Alpine European forests. Evolutionary Applications. 1(1):1-14. Full Text.
- Rocchini D., Balkenhol N., Delucchi L., Ghisla A., Hauffe H., Imre A.R., Jordan F., Nagendra H., Neale D., Ricotta C., Varotto C., Vernesi C., Wegmann M., Wohlgemuth T., Neteler M. (2012) Spatical Algorithms Applied to Landscape Diversity Esitmate from Remote Sensing Data. Models of the Ecological Hierarchy. Elsevier. 1:391-411. Full Text.
- Wegrzyn J.L., Main D., Figueroa B., Choi M., Yu J., Neale D.B., Stanton M., Zheng P., Ficklin S., Cho I., Peace C., Evans K., Volk G., Oraguzie N., Chen C., Olmstead M., Gmitter F.G., Abbott A.G. (2012) Uniform Standards for Genome Databases in Forest and Fruit Trees. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 8(3):549-557. Full Text.
- Zapata-Valenzuela J., Isik F., Maltecca C., Wegrzyn J., Neale D., McKeand S., Whetten R. (2012) SNP markers trace familial linkages in a cloned population of Pinus taeda – prospects for genomic selection. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 8(6):1307-1318. Full Text.
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