- Groover A., Devey M., Fiddler T., Lee J., Megraw B., Mitchel-Olds T., Sherman B., Vujcic S., Williams C., Neale D. 1994. IDENTIFICATION OF QTL INFLUENCING WOOD SPECIFIC GRAVITY IN LOBLOLLY PINE (Pinus taeda). Plant Genome II Conference. Town & Country Conference Center, San Diego, CA. January, 1994.
- Harry D.E., Neale D.B. 1994. PCR-BASED GENETIC MARKERS FOR LOBLOLLY PINE DEVELOPED FROM CLONED cDNAs. Plant Genome II Conference. Town & Country Conference Center, San Diego, CA. January, 1994. Full Text.
- Jermstad K.D., Reem A.M., Henifin J.R., Wheeler N.C., Neale D.B. 1994. INHERITANCE OF RESTRICTION FRAGMENT LENGTH POLYMORPHISMS, RANDOM AMPLIFIED POLYMORPHIC DNAs AND ISOZYMES IN COASTAL DOUGLAS-FIR. Plant Genome II Conference. Town & Country Conference Center, San Diego, CA. January, 1994. Full Text.
- Kinlaw C.S., Baysdorfer C., Harry D.E., Gerttula S.M., Groover A.T., Lee J.M., Devey M.E., Neale D.B. 1994. PARTIAL SEQUENCE ANALYSIS OF LOBLOLLY PINE cDNAs AND IDENTIFICATION OF MAPPED PINE GENES. Plant Genome II Conference. Town & Country Conference Center, San Diego, CA. January, 1994. Full Text.
- Neale D.B., Sherman B.K. 1994. DENDROME: GENOME DATABASES FOR FOREST TREES. Plant Genome II Conference. Town & Country Conference Center, San Diego, CA. January, 1994.
- Sherman B.K., Neale D.B. 1994. Bioinformatics, the Internet and Forest Tree Molecular Genetics. Plant Genome II Conference. Town & Country Conference Center, San Diego, CA. January, 1994.
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