ADEPT Scientific Advisory Committee
Tom Bryam
Director, Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program (WGFTIP), Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX. Dr. Byram has extensive experience in quantitative genetics and applications of markers in tree breeding. WGFTIP has 15 companies and state agencies that annually plant more than 500,000 acres of loblolly pine.
George Casella
Professor and Chair, Dept. of Statistics, Univ. of Florida. Dr. Casella is a theoretical and applied statistician who has published numerous refereed articles and four textbooks in diverse areas of statistics, including molecular genetics. Dr. Casella has an active collaboration with two of the PIs (Davis and White).
Bill Hubbard
Southern Regional Extension Forester, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA. Mr. Hubbard’s provides liaison with 13 southern state forestry extension units and USDA Forest Service – Southern Region, coordinates regional programs, distributes educational materials, and assesses regional needs.
Charles Langley
Section of Evolution and Ecology, Univ. of California, Davis. Dr. Langley has considerable experience with SNP detection and association studies in Drosophila and has published numerous theoretical and experimental papers on this topic.
Tim Mullin
Professor, Department of Forestry and Director, NC State Univ.-Industry Tree Improvement Cooperative (NCSUITIP), Raleigh, NC. Dr. Mullin is a quantitative geneticist with keen interests in clonal forestry. NCSUITIP has 20 member companies and state agencies that annually plant >600,000 acres of loblolly pine.
Trudy Mackay
William Neal Reynolds Professor of Genetics, Department of Genetics, NC State Univ., Raleigh, NC. Dr. Mackay has extensive experience with quantitative trait analysis in Drospohila including QTL analyses, candidate genes and SNPs. She is the co-author of the textbook ‘Introduction to Quantitative Genetics’Professor, Department of Forestry and Director, NC State Univ.-Industry Tree Improvement Cooperative (NCSUITIP), Raleigh, NC. Dr. Mullin is a quantitative geneticist with keen interests in clonal forestry. NCSUITIP has 20 member companies and state agencies that annually plant >600,000 acres of loblolly pine.
Jim Rakestraw
Manager, Forest Research, International Paper Company, Bainbridge, GA. International Paper Company is the largest private landowner in the USA. Dr. Rakestraw is responsible for IP’s research and technology transfer programs in genetics, silviculture, wood properties, alternate fibers, wood harvesting optimization, biometrics, nurseries and orchards, forest health, and soil management.
Nicholas Wheeler
Scientific Advisor, Forest Biotechnology, Weyerhaeuser Company, Centralia, WA. Dr. Wheeler is responsible for the planning and implementation of genomics research for Weyerhaeuser Company. He has collaborated with David Neale for more than 10 years on a variety of genetic mapping projects in loblolly pine and Douglas-fir, and has broad expertise in molecular genetics and applied tree breeding.